衛生署豐原醫院 外科
PSST Tool於1992年發展出來,用來定量壓瘡傷口癒合的進程 ,其有十三個項目,各佔1-5分,故總分為13-65分,分數愈高,表示傷口的狀況愈差。芭芭拉博士表示此工具的可靠性及準確性已被長期照顧單位的傷口照顧護士所證實1,2,PSST只需要一個禮拜評估一次,或當傷口有變化被觀察到時。
Barbara Bates-Jensen, RN, PhD,一位加州的護理師R.N.及造口師CWOCN,自2001年來至今擔任洛杉磯加州大學醫學院及護理學院助理教授Associate Professor UCLA School of Nursing & School of Medicine,自2009年擔任美國專科傷口醫療學會理事Board member ,Association for Advancement of Wound Care,她在2001年時,把PSST做一些修改,並改名為Bates-Jensen Wound Assessment Tool (BWAT) ,用來評估各種慢性傷口,而不再只限於只能評估壓瘡,其效度及信度達0.91(Validity, Reliability)3-4。並且在2006年,Barbara和另一位也發明另一套傷口評估系統(Sussman Wound Healing Tool,SWHT)的Carrie Sussman出版一本傷口治療的教科書Wound Care: A Collaborative Practice Manual for Health Professionals.第三版。
下表為PSST,也是目前台灣大多相關護理學會上課時所用到的版本,但目前雖已升級到BWAT,但因為只有undermining潛行性傷口這一項稍微調整,取消5. 有瘻管的形成,其他各項各加一分,而增加『無潛行性傷口』一項為1分,故保留英文原文,讓大家參照。
而其缺點就如Woodbury5等人於1999所發表說,雖然可信度PSST及Sessing scale比PUSH,SWHT和WHS高,但評估完PSST至少需10-15分鐘,而其他工具只需要約5分鐘就可以。筆者認為以實用性而言,一位護理人員不可能為了換一個藥,先讓傷口暴露15分鐘,來觀察記錄,再花個10分鐘來處理傷口,覆蓋紗布,且13個項目不好背下來,需要先印下評估單再來填寫,故除非是短時間內為了做研究,或只為了一個特殊個案要做個案報告,否則簡單的PUSH或複雜點的DESIGN就夠用了。
(Pressure Sore Status Tool) PSST Tool
____ 薦骨部及尾骨 ___外踝(足關節)
____ 大轉子 ___内踝(足關節)
____ 坐骨結節 ____踵 其他______________

日期 ( ) 分數 |
日期 ( ) 分數 |
日期 ( ) 分數 |
1.傷口大小 | 1.長X寬 <4平方公分 2.長X寬 4-16平方公分 3.長X寬 16.1-36平方公分 4.長X寬 36.1-80平方公分 5.長X寬 >80平方公分 |
2.深度 (depth) |
1.皮膚完整但有不褪白的紅印處。 2.表皮或部分真皮破損(破皮、水泡或淺坑等)。 3.表皮、真皮或皮下脂肪全損,沒透過筋膜。 4.壞死組織蓋在傷口無法辨識深度。 5.肌肉、骨頭、關節均受損。 |
3.四周邊緣 (Edge) |
1.傷口四周輪廓不分明。 2.四周輪廓分明,邊緣與傷口底部幾乎水平相連。 3.四周輪廓分明,傷口底部低於傷口邊緣。 4.四周輪廓分明,同3. 但邊緣組織硬度介於軟硬之間仍有彈性。 5.四周輪廓分明,四周組織纖維化結痂。 |
4.潛行深度 (undermining) |
1. 傷口邊緣任何部分潛行傷口深度<2公分。 2. <50%的潛行傷口深度介於2到4公分。 3. >50%的潛行傷口深度介於2到4公分。 4. 傷口邊緣任何部分潛行深度均> 4公分。 5. 有瘻管的形成。 |
5.壞死組織的型態 (necrotic tissue) |
1.沒有任何壞死組織。 2.少量不黏附於傷口的黃腐肉(slough) 。 3.鬆鬆黏附於傷口的黃腐肉(slough)。 4.緊附於傷口的黑軟痂(soft eschar) 。 5.非常緊附於傷口的黑硬痂(hard eschar) |
6.壞死組織的量 (amount) |
1.沒有 2.少於傷口的25% 3.佔傷口的50%-75% 4.佔傷口的50%-75%(>50且<75%) 5.佔傷口的75%-100% |
7.傷口滲出液的形式 (exudate type) |
1.沒有或血水 2.淡血性:淡粉紅 3.血清性:透明discharge 4.膿性: 不透明 黃色 5.腐敗膿性:有惡臭 黃色 |
8.傷口滲出液的量 (exudate amount) |
1.沒有滲出液 2.很少量 3.小量的 4.中量的 5.大量的。 |
9.傷口周圍的皮膚顏色 | 1.粉紅/或正常皮膚色。 2.鮮紅色/或以指壓時會變白。 3.白/灰白。 4.深紅/紫紅/紫色/或以指壓時不變白。 5.黑色。 |
10.傷口周圍組織腫脹情形(edema) | 1.沒腫。註:腫壓(pitting edema) 2.傷口周圍組織腫脹<4公分(沒有腫壓) 3.傷口周圍組織腫脹≧4公分(沒有腫壓) 4.傷口周圍組織腫脹<4公分(腫壓) 5.傷口周圍組織腫脹≧4公分(腫壓) |
11.傷口周圍組織硬度 (induration) |
1.沒有硬組織 2.傷口周圍組織硬度<2公分。 3 <50%傷口周圍組織硬度有2-4公分。 4. ≧ 50%傷口周圍組織硬度有2-4公分。 5. 傷口周圍組織硬度有>4公分。 |
12.肉芽組織 (granulation tissue) |
1.皮膚完整/或只是部分皮膚破損的傷口 2.75-100%的傷口被鮮紅的肉芽組織填住。 3.>25%及<75%的傷口被鮮紅的肉芽組織填住。 4.≦25%的傷口被粉紅/灰紅的肉芽組織填住。 5.沒有肉芽組織。 |
13.上皮組織增生 (epithelialization) |
1. 100%的皮膚表面被表皮增生所蓋住,皮膚完整。 2. 75-100%的傷口被表皮增生蓋住或增生至傷口內>0.5公分 3. 50到<75%的傷口被表皮增生蓋住或增生至傷口內>0.5公分。 4. 25到<50%的傷口被表皮增生蓋住。 5. <25%的傷口被表皮增生蓋住。 |
總分 |
1 10 13 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
|--|--|--|-- |--|-- |--|-- |--|-- |-- |--|-- |
健康 傷口 傷口
組織 再生 退化
褥瘡發現日:__________ 疾 病:________________________
(PSST, by Dr. Barbara Bates-Jensen in 1992)
Complete the rating sheet to assess wound status. Evaluate each item by picking the response that best describes the wound and entering the score in the item score column for the appropriate date.
Location: Anatomic site. Circle, identify right (R) or left (L) and use “X” to mark site on body diagrams:
__________ Sacrum & coccyx __________ Lateral ankle
__________ Trochanter __________ Medial ankle
__________ Ischial tuberosity __________ Heel __________ Other Site
Shape: Overall wound pattern; assess by observing perimeter and depth. Circle and date appropriate description:
__________ Irregular __________ Linear or elongated
__________ Round/oval __________ Bowl/boat
__________ Square/rectangle __________ Butterfly ____ Other shape:
Item | Assessment |
1. Size | 1 = Length x width <4 sq cm 2 = Length x width 4--<16 sq cm 3 = Length x width 16.1--<36 sq cm 4 = Length x width 36.1--<80 sq cm 5 = Length x width >80 sq cm |
2. Depth | 1 = Non-blanchable erythema on intact skin 2 = Partial thickness skin loss involving epidermis &/or dermis 3 = Full thickness skin loss involving damage or necrosis of subcutaneous tissue; may extend down to but not through underlying fascia; &/or mixed partial & full thickness &/or tissue layers obscured by granulation tissue 4 = Obscured by necrosis 5 = Full thickness skin loss with extensive destruction, tissue necrosis or damage to muscle, bone or supporting structures |
3. Edges | 1 = Indistinct, diffuse, none clearly visible 2 = Distinct, outline clearly visible, attached, even with wound base 3 = Well-defined, not attached to wound base 4 = Well-defined, not attached to base, rolled under, thickened 5 = Well-defined, fibrotic, scarred or hyperkeratotic |
4. Under-mining | 1 = None present 2 =Undermining < 2 cm in any area 3 = Undermining 2-4 cm involving < 50% wound margins 4 = Undermining 2-4 cm involving > 50% wound margins 5 = Undermining > 4 cm or Tunneling in any area |
5. Necrotic Tissue Type |
1 = None visible 2 = White/grey non-viable tissue &/or non-adherent yellow slough 3 = Loosely adherent yellow slough 4 = Adherent, soft, black eschar 5 = Firmly adherent, hard, black eschar |
6. Necrotic Tissue Amount | 1 = None visible 2 = < 25% of wound bed covered 3 = 25% to 50% of wound covered 4 = > 50% and < 75% of wound covered 5 = 75% to 100% of wound covered |
7. Exudate Type | 1 = None 2 = Bloody 3 = Serosanguineous: thin, watery, pale red/pink 4 = Serous: thin, watery, clear 5 = Purulent: thin or thick, opaque, tan/yellow, with or without odor |
8. Exudate Amount | 1 = None, dry wound 2 = Scant, wound moist but no observable exudate 3 = Small 4 = Moderate 5 = Large |
9. Skin Color Sur-rounding Wound |
1 = Pink or normal for ethnic group 2 = Bright red &/or blanches to touch 3 = White or grey pallor or hypopigmented 4 = Dark red or purple &/or non-blanchable 5 = Black or hyperpigmented |
10. Peripheral Tissue Edema |
1 = No swelling or edema 2 = Non-pitting edema extends <4 cm around wound 3 = Non-pitting edema extends >4 cm around wound 4 = Pitting edema extends < 4 cm around wound 5 = Crepitus and/or pitting edema extends >4 cm around wound |
11. Peripheral Tissue Induration |
1 = None present 2 = Induration, < 2 cm around wound 3 = Induration 2-4 cm extending < 50% around wound 4 = Induration 2-4 cm extending > 50% around wound 5 = Induration > 4 cm in any area around wound |
12. Granu-lation Tissue | 1 = Skin intact or partial thickness wound 2 = Bright, beefy red; 75% to 100% of wound filled &/or tissue overgrowth 3 = Bright, beefy red; < 75% & > 25% of wound filled 4 = Pink, &/or dull, dusky red &/or fills < 25% of wound 5 = No granulation tissue present |
13. Epithe-lializa- tion |
1 = 100% wound covered, surface intact 2 = 75% to <100% wound covered &/or epithelial tissue extends >0.5cm into wound bed 3 = 50% to <75% wound covered &/or epithelial tissue extends to <0.5cm into wound bed 4 = 25% to < 50% wound covered 5 = < 25% wound covered |
2001Barbara Bates-Jensen
BWAT Score
Severity嚴重度 | BWAT Score |
Minimal最小 | 13 -20 |
Mild 輕度 | 21-30 |
Moderate 中度 | 31-40 |
Critical嚴重 | 41-65 |
BWAT 目前已被加拿大傷口學會Wound Care Canada正式拿來當作評估傷口的工具,包括糖尿病足部傷口6。
1Bates-Jensen BM, Vredevoe DL, Brecht ML. Validity and reliability of the Pressure Sore Status Tool. Decubitus. 1992;5(6):20–8.
2. Bates-Jensen BM, McNees P. Toward an intelligent wound assessment system. Ostomy/Wound Management. 1995;41(7A Suppl):80S–6S; discussion 87S.
3. Bates-Jensen B. New pressure ulcer status tool. Decubitus. 1990;3(3):14–15.
4. Bates-Jensen BM. Chronic wound assessment. Nurs Clin North Am. 1999;34(4):799–845.
5. Woodbury MG, Houghton PE, Campbell KE, Pressure ulcer assessment instruments: a critical appraisal. Ostomy Wound Manage. 1999 May;45(5):42-5, 48-50, 53-5..
6. http://cawc.net/os/open/wcc/7-2/harris.pdf