游朝慶 醫師
   Rocker shoes弧形底鞋是使用最多的糖尿病鞋之一1,2,其可能有許多名字,如rocker sole shoe, rocker bottom shoe , round bottom shoes, round/ed sole shoes等,這種鞋子已被證明可有效降低足底壓力3,甚至當搭配矯正特製鞋墊時,其可降低足底蹠骨頭(MTH)壓力高達30-50%4-6。其形狀就是鞋底在蹠骨頭處往上以一個角度翹起削薄,其鞋底是硬的,故在行走時,可限制蹠骨頭關節彎曲,以充份分散前足的壓力,最近有研究建議7apex angle角度在 95度,前足底翹起角度(Rocker angle)在20度,鞋底沒有翹起的比例(apex position)為全鞋的60%時,可以給足底壓力帶來最好的減壓效果,apex是最凸點的意思,apex position, Rocker angle及apex angle的定義請參考下面圖示。

   以形狀而言,至少有下圖六種不同的弧形底鞋A, Mild. B, Heel-to-toe. C, Toe only. D, Severe angle. E, Negative heel. F, Double。

1.Janisse DJ. Prescription insoles and footwear. Clin Podiatr Med Surg 1995;12(1):41–61.
2.Pedorthic Footwear Association. Introduction to Pedorthics. Columbia, Md.; 1998.
3.Brown D, Wertsch JJ, Harris GF, et al. Effect of rocker soles on plantar pressures. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2004;85(1):81-86.
4. Nawoczenski DA, Birke JA, Coleman WC. Effect of rocker sole design on plantar forefoot pressures. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 1988;78;(9):455-460.
5. Schaff PS, Cavanagh PR. Shoes for the insensitive foot: the effect of a “rocker bottom” shoe modification on plantar pressure distribution. Foot Ankle 1990;11(3):129-140.
6. Delzell E. The role of rocker soles in reducing ulcer risk. Lower Ext Rev. 2011.  Available at http://www.lowerextremityreview.com/article/the-role-of-rocker-soles-in-....

Chapman JD, Preece S, Braunstein B, Effect of rocker shoe design features on forefoot plantar pressures in people with and without diabetes Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2013 Jul;28(6):679-85. doi: 10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2013.05.005. Epub 2013 Jun 2.

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