安南醫院 游朝慶 醫師
Apligraf即使是目前最成熟的組織工程皮膚替代物,然而,其也不是永久性的皮膚替代物,這些細胞成分、細胞外基質及細胞激素等只是暫時存在於傷口上,刺激自體皮膚組織再生及上皮化1,這些含有細胞的皮膚替代物其實不能稱為移植物graft,它根本不會在傷口上”take(生根、移植存活)”,故organogenesis原廠是將apligraf當成是一種細胞治療(a bi-layered living cell treatment),而非單純的傷口覆蓋物。於1998年取得FDA(PMA Number: P950032)第三類醫材的上市許可,用於沒有感染且傳統治療1個月無效的靜脈性潰瘍(VLU),於2000年通過FDA許可(PMA Number: P950032) 2來治療傳統治療3個月無效、全層皮喪失但無韌帶、肌肉、鞘膜或骨頭露出的神經性糖尿病足潰瘍。目前FDA只有通過3種第三類醫材用來治療糖尿病足部潰瘍,一種是Apligraf,第二種也是含有細胞的真皮替代物dermagraft,最後一種則是生長因子Regranex
根據FDA的資料2,organogenesis公司收集了208個糖尿病足部傷口患者,112個使用apligraf,96個使用標準治療,傷口大小為0.4-16.3平方公分,平均為2.97±3.10平方公分,患者接受12個星期的治療,及之後3個月的追蹤,apligraf這組於第0天,第1、2、3、4週時,若敷料以無法100%覆蓋傷口,則會追加在補充一塊apligraft,最多給5塊敷料,敷料外用濕紗布覆蓋,再以乾紗布包紮。對照組則只以濕紗布填塞。一天換兩次藥。並都做好off-loading。結果,實驗組中有超過一半需使用5塊apligraf,但平均使用3.9塊,平均65天癒合,12週時癒合率為56%,對照組則平均90天癒合,12週時癒合率為39%(表1,圖1,2),這個研究報告之後於2001發表於diabetic care期刊3(Apligraf 舊稱Graftskin)。
表1. Apligraft實驗結果及使用敷料數量2
圖1. Apligraft實驗結果,12週時有56%傷口癒合2
圖2. Apligraft實驗結果,平均65天癒合。
圖3. Rates of complete healing at 6, 9, and 12 weeks for Apligraf, Dermagraft, and EpiFix groups
EpiFix是將人胎盤中的羊膜及絨毛膜脱水(dHACM)而成,2016年於英國上市,一小片EpiFix(2*3公分)就要£1,018.39英鎊($1306.8美元),2014年美國medicare給付每平方公分$212.825,屬於羊膜敷料,因取自於人體組織,被歸於HCT/P's 產品,由21 CFR 1271 規範,而FDA只允許不帶細胞的羊膜可用於眼角膜的修補,也就是說,羊膜敷料產品目前用於傷口治療,在美國都是off-label use,屬於研究性質。雖然目前有許多研究證明羊膜對傷口癒合很神奇,然而都為小規模的研究。
結果Apligraf(n=112),Dermagraft(N=130), EpiFix(n=64)三組傷口大小都差不多2-3平方公分,但是…..
Apligraf |
Dermagraft |
EpiFix |
Product description |
Neonatal fibroblasts cultured in bovine collagen matrix overlaid with neonatal keratinocytes |
Neonatal fibroblasts cultured in polyglactin mesh |
Dehydrated human amnion/chorion membrane allograft |
Regulatory pathway |
Premarket approval |
Premarket approval |
HCT/P; PHS Act Section 361 |
Graft sizes available |
One 44 cm2 disc |
One 37.5 cm2 sheet |
Multiple sizes: 14 mm diameter disc (1.54 cm2) to 9 cm x 20 cm (180 cm2) sheet |
Cost per graft (2013,2014年CMS Reimbursement Schedule)5,6 |
$1,806.14 每平方公分$41 |
$1,688.34 每平方公分$44 |
Various costs depending on graft size, starting at $329.70 for 14 mm disc 每平方公分$214 |
Storage considerations |
Consists of living cells that must be kept sealed in nutrient medium and 10% CO2/air atmosphere under controlled temperature 68–73°F (20–23°C). Shelf life 15 days. |
Must be stored continuously at minus 75°C±10°C. For continuous storage, transfer of Dermagraft from shipping container into freezer must take ≤60 seconds to ensure cell viability. Frozen 6-month shelf life. |
Sterilized tissue that may be stored at ambient conditions for up to 5 years. |
Wound application instructions |
Remove from liquid-filled pouch. Use within 15 minutes. |
20-step application process including thawing. |
Remove from dry pou |
表2.三種產品的介紹及比較Product comparisons
Apligraf (n=112) |
Dermagraft (n=130) |
EpiFix (n=64) |
Wound area (cm2) |
2.97±3.10 |
2.31 |
2.72±2.6 |
Mean grafts receiveda |
3.9 |
5.7 |
2.4 |
Complete wound closure within 12 weeks |
56% 63/112 |
30% 39/130 |
92% 59/64 |
Median days to closure |
65 (7, 88) (n=63) |
NR |
14 (7, 77) (n=59) |
Ulcer recurrence |
5.9%b |
18.8%c |
5.6%d |
Adverse eventse (infection, cellulitis, osteomyelitis) |
22.3% |
19% |
1.6% |
表3. 傷口面積及癒合的比較Wound area and healing metrics3,7-11
EpiFix的四個研究都是同一個研究者,使用EpiFix個案數n=11,n=13,n=13,n=20,且都於2013-2014年發表,故加總這些個案數的意義不大,可能許多研究對象是重複計算的。且比較三種敷料的個案所使用的off-loading,Apligraf組使用的是柺杖或輪椅(患者還是很容易會去踩到傷口),Dermagraft組使用的是量身訂做的泡棉涼鞋(患者還是可以踩傷口),而Epifix組使用的是 removable cast walker (Active Offloading Walker; Darco, Huntington, W.V.)( 可參照Off-loading 減壓- RCW https://woundmaster.blogspot.com/2013/10/off-loading-rcw.html) 其效果可比擬TCC,而「全接觸式石膏,Total contact casting,TCC」目前已經實證為糖尿病傷口減壓的golden standard黃金標準治療,有高達九成的患者可在1-3個月內被治癒12,故epifix組光使用RCW來off-loading,理論上,不需敷料,傷口就都可在1-3個月癒合。故還需要的更大規模的randomnized prospective clinical trial來證實療效。
這一篇最後還做了個成本分析(圖4,5,6),但明明就是Epifix單位成本最貴($41:$44:$214),但Apligraf輸在其只有one size (44 cm2),Dermagraft則是一片37.5 cm2,而糖尿病傷口的面積又都只有2-3公分,沒有小size的選擇是Apligraft及Dermagraft成本無法降下來的致命傷。
圖4. 平均每位患者所使用的敷料數量Mean number of grafts per patient
圖5.總共使用的敷料面積Total product used (sq cm)
圖6. 平均每位患者敷料方面所花費的錢Cost of product used per patient
然後同一個研究者Zelen CM又於2015年發表一篇比較apligraf,EpiFix及標準治療各20名患者的文章,結果如圖7,8,EpiFix又是大勝。
圖8. 第1-6周時的傷口面積縮小比率
還好此時Apligraf於2015年出來做了個平衡報導,他從99個傷口中心收集apligraf 163個傷口,平均傷口大小6平方公分,EpiFix 63個傷口(比以往的研究個案數還要多),平均傷口大小5.2平方公分(比以往的研究還要大),結果發現,EpiFix的結果並沒有想像中那麼好使用的(圖9),且平均apligraf使用兩片,而EpiFix使用了3片。故這兩者間可能還有一些恩怨糾結需要處理。但不管哪個研究,apligraft的癒合率都是穩定的只有5成。
1. Griffiths M, Ojeh N, Livingstone R, et al. Survival of Apligraf in acute human wounds. Tissue Eng, 2004, 10: 1180–1195
2. FDA. Apligraf, Labeling, Approval Order, Summary Of Safety And Effectiveness. PMA #P950032, Docket #00M-1508. Sept. 11, 2000. https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/cdrh_docs/pdf/P950032S016B.pdf
3. Veves A, Falanga V, Armstrong DG, Sabolinski ML. Graftskin, a human skin equivalent, is effective in the management of noninfected neuropathic diabetic foot ulcers: a prospective randomized multicenter clinical trial. Diabetes Care. 2001; 24(2):290-5.
4. Fetterolf DE, Istwan NB, Stanziano GJ. An evaluation of healing metrics associated with commonly used advanced wound care products for the treatment of chronic diabetic foot ulcers. Manag Care. 2014 Jul;23(7):31-8. https://www.managedcaremag.com/archives/2014/7/evaluation-healing-metrics-associated-commonly-used-advanced-wound-care-products
7. Marston WA, Hanft J, Norwood P, Pollak R. Dermagraft Diabetic Foot Ulcer Study Group. The efficacy and safety of Dermagraft in improving the healing of chronic diabetic foot ulcers: results of a prospective randomized trial. Diabetes Care. 2003;26:1701-1705.
8. Zelen CM, Serena TE, Denoziere G, Fetterolf DE. A prospective randomized comparative parallel study of amniotic membrane wound graft in the management of diabetic foot ulcers. Int Wound J. 2013a;10:502-507.
9. Zelen CM. An evaluation of dehydrated human amniotic membrane allografts in patients with DFUs. J Wound Care. 2013b;22:347-348, 350-351.
10. Zelen CM, Serena TE, Snyder RJ. A prospective, randomised comparative study of weekly versus biweekly application of dehydrated human amnion/chorion membrane allograft in the management of diabetic foot ulcers. Int Wound J. 2014a;11:122-128. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4235421/
11. Zelen CM, Serena TE, Fetterolf DE. Dehydrated human amnion/chorion membrane allografts in patients with chronic diabetic foot ulcers: a long-term follow-up study. Wound Med. 2014b;4:1-4. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wndm.2013.10.008. Accessed June 20, 2014.
12. Off-loading 減壓- TCC https://woundmaster.blogspot.com/2013/10/off-loading-tcc.html
13. Zelen CM, Gould L, Serena TE, A prospective, randomised, controlled, multi-centre comparative effectiveness study of healing using dehydrated human amnion/chorion membrane allograft, bioengineered skin substitute or standard of care for treatment of chronic lower extremity diabetic ulcers. Int Wound J. 2015 Dec;12(6):724-32. doi: 10.1111/iwj.12395. Epub 2014 Nov https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/iwj.12395
14. Kirsner RS, Sabolinski ML, Parsons NBㄝComparative effectiveness of a bioengineered living cellular construct vs. a dehydrated human amniotic membrane allograft for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers in a real world setting. Wound Repair Regen. 2015 Sep;23(5):737-44. doi: 10.1111/wrr.12332. Epub 2015 Sep 3.