安南醫院  游朝慶醫師



    一直到1980年代,才漸漸有外科醫師接受使用酚來破壞甲母,但是他們稱為Ross procedure,原因是Ross是第一個發表(於1969年)使用酚甲母切除術的『外科醫師』11,而即使至今,經由眾多的研究證實,指甲部分拔除搭配化學性甲母去除術(chemical matricectomy)如使用酚phenol來燒灼甲母(酚甲母去除術)仍為最好的治療treatment of choice12-15。然而,許多外科醫師仍然喜歡開刀,他們一樣把傷口開的很大、很深,然後說,酚甲母去除術只適合用在輕微的發炎階段,在嚴重期還是要接受根除手術16,甚至還引用錯誤的Légaré研究17『酚燒灼法復發率66.7%』,這段他說錯了,雖然這研究是用法文寫的,但pubmed的摘要還是英文,原文是說光趾甲切除,6人中有4人復發,而加上酚治療後,24人只有4人復發。即使是現在,網路上仍沒有醫師推薦使用酚甲母去除術。(謎知音:其實最大的原因是在於健保給付,欲知後事,請看下期分解)

1. H. S. Michaelis, “über das Einwachsen des Nagels,” Journal Chir Augenheilk, vol. 14, pp. 234–255, 1830.

2. J. Baudens, “Ongle incarné (par J Moulard),” La Gazette de l’hôpital, vol. 20, article 306, 1850.

3. Frost LA: Root resection for incurvated nail. J Am Podiatry Assoc 40:19, 1950

4. Embedded toenails (Editorial). Lancet 1975, ii: 167.  http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=PdfExcerptURL&_imagekey=1-s2.0-S0140673675900677-main.pdf&_piikey=S0140673675900677&_cdi=271074&_orig=PublicationURL&_zone=rslt_list_item&_fmt=abst&_eid=1-s2.0-S0140673675900677&_issn=01406736&_user=12975512&md5=a662950782b32f54b5b6b216135d1615&ie=/excerpt.pdf%20target=

5. Zadik FR. Obliteration of the nail bed of the great toe without shortening the terminal phalanx. J Bone Joint Surg. 1950;32:66-67.

6. Boll O. Surgical correction of ingrowing toenails. J Natl Assoc Chiropod 1945;35:8.

7. Byrne DS, Caldwell D. Phenol cauterization for ingrowing toenails: a review of five years of experience. Br J Surg. 1989;76:598–599.

8. Runting, E. G. V. Practical Chiropody; p. 45. London, 1956.

9. Anderson, I. S. C. Onychocryptosis. London, 1966.

10. Larson PO. Topical hemostatic agents for dermatologic surgery. J Dermatol Surg Oncol 1988;14:623–32.

11. Ross W. Treatment of the ingrown toenail and a new anesthetic method. Surg Clin North Am. 1969;49:1499-504

12. Bostanci S, Ekmekçi P, Gürgey E., Chemical matricectomy with phenol for the treatment of ingrowing toenail: a review of the literature and follow-up of 172 treated patients. Acta Derm Venereol. 2001 Jun-Jul;81(3):181-3.

13. Rounding C, Hulm S: Surgical treatments for ingrowing toenails. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2: CD001541, 2000.

14. Rounding C, Bloomfield S. Surgical treatments for ingrowing toenails. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2005;(2):CD001541.

15. Eekhof JA, Van Wijk B, Knuistingh Neven A, Interventions for ingrowing toenails. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 Apr 18;(4):CD001541.

16. http://yanjiskin.pixnet.net/blog/post/450895763-%E5%87%8D%E7%94%B2%28%E5%B5%8C%E7%94%B2%29%E5%A6%82%E4%BD%95%E6%B2%BB%E7%99%82%3F--%E6%89%8B%E8%A1%93%E7%AF%87

17. Légaré F, Dubé S, Naud A, [Recurrence and satisfaction levels following onysectomy with or without phenolization]. Can Fam Physician. 1999 Apr;45:926-31 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10216791

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